Please join the Staking The Plains Bracket Challenge at CBS Sports. I think last year I may have won and I get that it’s totally not fair for a sports expert to be playing, but I’ll play again. However, this time, we’re upping the stakes if you will. This year, the winner will get their choice of t-shirt from the Staking The Plains shop. In setting up the STP page at CBS, I couldn’t find any sort of password or anything like that was needed, but if you all comment that you do need something, let me know.
And since I’m here and you’re here and I’m promoting things and you’re hoping to win a t-shirt, please feel free to like the Staking The Plains Facebook page. We could really use the likes.
With all of that being said, please join the Staking The Plains Bracket Challenge, win a t-shirt and whip my tail this year.